Cub Scout Pack 30 Webpage

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The pack celebrated the 92th birthday of Cub Scouting with their annual Blue-Gold Banquet on Saturday April 23 at the Elizabeth Baptist Church.
This year's theme as "How the West was FUN!
Invocation was given by Rev. Craig Blankenship.
A covered-dish dinner including pulled pork and chicken began the evening.
Cubmaster Keith did a reading "The History of the Blue-Gold Banquet."
Presentation of the colors by Webelos 1.
Lions, Tigers, Webelos 1 performed skits. Bear den led games.
Everyone participated in an Audience Participation "A Scouting Story" and a Wild West Quiz.
A Cub Scout Court of Honor was held for Cub Scouts who earned advancements:
Barrett Davis - Pick My Path - Ready, Set, Grow - Rumble in the Jungle Lion adventures.
A.J. Richards - Pick My Path - Ready, Set, Grow - Rumble in the Jungle Lion adventures.
Jack Jarvis - Duty to God - Games Tigers Play - My Tiger Jungle - Team Tiger - Tiger Bites - Tigers in the Wild Tiger adventures.
Murphy Towner - Games Tiger Play - My Tiger Jungle - Team Tiger - Tiger Bites Tiger adventures.
Luke Hardbarger - A Bear Goes Fishing - Baloo the Builder - Bear Claws - Beat of the Drum - Fellowship and Duty to God - Marble Madness - Paws for Action - Robotics Bear Adventures - Whittling Chip - Bear Badge.
Logan Davis - Duty to God and You Webelos adventure.
Nolan McCallister - Duty to God and You Webelos adventure.
James Pitts - Duty to God and You Webelos adventure.
Webelos 1 Scouts Logan Davis - Nolan McCallister - James Pitts were each awarded the God and Family religious award by their counselor Rev Craig Blankenship.
Service stars were presented to the Cubs and Leaders for years in Scouting:
1 year
Barrett Davis
Logan Davis
A.J. Richards
Murphy Towner
2 years
Jack Jarvis
4 years
Luke Hardbarger
Nolan McCallister
5 years
James Pitts
2 years
Matt Jarvis
Rachel Jarvis
6 years
Craig Blankenship
7 years
Crystal Cox-Hardbarger
Chris Long
10 years
Melanie Axley
11 years
Rob Pitts
14 years
Derek Egbert
38 years 
Keith Smith
Each Cub Scout was asked to make a dessert with the help of an adult male for the Cub/Male Dessert Silent Auction or donate a craft or gift.
Desserts and donated gifts included:
Emergency Survival Kit - donated by Faith Smith - purchased by Luke Hardbarger
Ori Nintendo Switch - donated by Faith Smith - purchased by Logan Davis
Chocolate Covered Strawberries - donated by Nolan McCallister - purchased by Phil Hardbarger
Brownies - donated by Logan Davis - purchased by Lawrence Hardbarger
Pecan Pie - donated by James Pitts - purchased by Harold Pitts
Chocolate Chip Cookies - donated by Jack Jarvis - purchased by Nolan McCallister
Brownies - donated by Melanie Axley - purchased by Melanie Axley
Apple Pie - donated by Barrett Davis - purchased by Nolan McCallister
Brownies - donated by Wirt County Recovery - purchased by Pat Egbert
Chocolate Brownies - donated by Murphy Towner - purchased by Faith Smith
Pack Profit from Silent Auction $258.00.
The evening concluded with the retrieving of the colors by Webelos 1.
Special THANKS to the Elizabeth Bapist Church for the use of their facility.